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'Buy Everything in Our House' fundraiser

Our 'Buy Everything In Our House' online fundraiser started this morning!

We're very excited to share that our 'Buy Everything In Our House' online auction is on! Please have a look at what you might like to bid on for yourself or buy as presents, then please do one or more of the following.....

- share this post on social media

- download and email as an attachment

- take a snapshot and text.....

to family, friends, colleagues, and any groups you or your family may attend. In fact anyone who you think would like to bid, win, buy and support!

The more people that bid on the range of fantastic donations generously donated by local, Auckland and NZ-wide businesses, the more funds we can raise to buy STEAM Resources (Science, Technology, Arts and Maths) for our classrooms, and important playground resources to ensure our playground is accessible to all our students.


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